Love Letter to Australia is a deeply personal and continually evolving project based on my experiences over the past three or so months. As someone who grew up continually moving and being dislocated from my homes, I’ve had to adapt to constant change. Here in Australia, I have felt a sense of love and belonging like never before. The people I’ve met have changed my life for the better.

This project will continue to grow as I expand the videos and present them in various forms. Over time, this work will evolve into a personal memoir, detailing my life as it unfolds through the months and years. Each path I take, every beautiful sight I see, and the wonderful people I meet will shape this ongoing narrative.

The installation features landscape and driving videos on the sides, while in the center, a projector displays videos of myself and the people I’ve met. The sounds of our conversations, laughter, and shared moments blend with a song an Australian Country singer we met in a tavern on the side of the highways wrote for the four of us on the spot. 

I invite you to step into the room, put on the headphones, and experience the beauty of Australia and the people I’ve met. 
Recorded on Camcorder and presented on two screens, one projector, and headphones
Link to Videos with Audio:
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