My Home - A Bilingual Harmony: Navigating Dual Identities through Code-Switching invites you into my narrative, where being born in the United States intertwines with the deep-rooted Nicaraguan heritage, creating a unique blend of identities and languages. The concept of 'home' embodies the fusion of these two worlds, and within this project, I unveil the profound linguistic dance of code-switching that has become the language of my family's home and daily life.
English softly comes through one ear, while Spanish gently flows into the other. This deliberate separation of languages mirrors the intricacies of code-switching, an organic linguistic phenomenon where bilingual individuals seamlessly transition between languages, each maintaining its distinct identity. The intentional lack of complete cohesion in the audio experience mirrors the often unpredictable yet beautiful blending of languages, reflecting the spontaneous nature of code-switching.
Made with Premiere Pro for Audio and Atom for Coding
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